Social Racing

Social racing is a new racing mode designed for you to host your own race. You can now race against your friends and win their $HOOF!

Settings customization:

Room name: Choose your room name so your friends can easily identify your room! Don’t have a name in mind? Click random and we’ll generate one for you.

Room password: Don’t want random strangers in your room? Set a 4 digit password and share them with your friends so only they can join you. You can also leave the password empty and pit your horse against the wild horses out there!

Horse levels: You can restrict certain levels of horses to join your room or allow all levels of horses to join.

Starting time: Select the starting time of the race from the available selection in 10/30/60/180 mins. The race will start once the countdown ends.

Entry fee: Customize the $HOOF entry fee from 10-10,000 $HOOF. The prize pool will be the total entry fee of all participants. Rewards breakdown is as indicated:


  • One wallet can only create one room at any one time.

  • Minimum of 2 horses to start the race. Otherwise, the race will be canceled.

  • There can only be a maximum of 12 horses racing in one room.

  • Multiple horses in the same wallet can join in the same room.

Last updated